Our mission is to foster renewed imagination, will, and ability among clergy, congregations, and communities as we journey together, becoming agents of thriving.

We root our mission in the scriptural calling to love our neighbors and our hope for God's final consummation of the whole creation.

We accomplish our mission by walking alongside our neighbors, developing innovative solutions that address barriers to thriving; seeking peace, justice, and prosperity in the communities that we share.

Congregations and Communities Come Together at Ormond Center Animation

We envision churches and communities that are equipped to work for thriving amidst times of enormous disruption and transformation. 

Our Team

The Ormond Center aims to embody its understanding that communities thrive when they learn to live well across differences. As such, our team is comprised of practitioners, researchers, pastors, writers, entrepreneurs, and many others who contribute to our common thriving through their own unique skills, background, insights, and experience.

Our Core Team

Rev. Dr. Linda Silver Coley
Executive Director

Rev. Elizabeth Styron Howze
Director, Teaching, Training, and Learning

Dr. David E. Kresta
Agent of Thriving, Translational Research & Community Economic Development

Rev. Dr. Michelle Lewis
Agent of Thriving, Climate & Environmental Justice

Rev. Luke E. Lingle III
Director, Pathways Towards Impact

Rev. Todd Edwin Maberry
Managing Director

Maria Nkonge Mugweru
Program Coordinator


Our Student Agents

Yohan Alvarez
Church & Community Agent

Cate Cunningham
Placemaking Agent

Chase Lucas
Communications Agent

Jilian Palmer
Church & Community Agent

Hannah Doty Rochford
Head Agent

Margie Peeler
Environmental & Climate Justice Agent

Jordan Heinzel-Nelson
Placemaking Agent

Logan Pollock
Environmental & Climate Justice Agent

Alexa Roseman
Church & Community Agent

Austin Spence
Environmental & Climate Justice Agent

Shirlye Grandy
Church & Community Agent

Ray’Chel Wilson
Environmental & Climate Justice Agent

How We Imagine Congregations

We imagine congregations as both community anchors and community citizenry.

Community Anchors
The Church Gathered

Christian congregations have always acted as anchor institutions to their local communities through the use of their physical property and buildings, their ministries and missions work, corporate worship, and through their preaching and teaching.

Community Citizenry
The Church Scattered

Christian people have always worked at the forefront of community leadership, advocacy, and service motivated by their faith and inspired by their vocational callings and occupational positions.

How We Imagine Communities

We imagine communities as people, places, institutions, and resources.

Communities are living ecosystems where place, neighbors, and institutions intersect.

Communities are also fields of practice or professions (i.e. “communities of practice”).

How We Imagine Thriving

We imagine thriving as shalom.

We ground our understanding of thriving—and our quest—in the scriptural concept of shalom. Thriving in this sense is right relationship with God, self, others, and creation.

Part of this thriving is transforming growth. Thriving means growing into the fullness of who we were created to be as persons, families, and communities. It does not mean happiness or endless consumption and economic growth. Rather, thriving is an active, often challenging, journey of personal and communal growth and transformation.

Three fundamental questions animate our mission to reimagine what thriving can be.

Question 1 Leaf Icon


what does it take for congregations and communities to thrive in today’s world—and crucially, who does and does not get to thrive? 

Question 2 Sun Icon


how can communities of faith draw on their distinctive traditions and histories to contribute to our collective understanding of what thriving can be in our time?

Question 3 House Icon


how can congregations and their communities work together to create the conditions of a faithful and just thriving for all?

Our Guiding Principles


Holistically understanding reality and wondering a new future.


Listening, learning, and trusting other point of views.


Seeking and communicating truth in everything we do.


Building right relations with ourselves, others, and creation.



Seeking new expressions of


Finishing what we start, working hard, and staying connected.


Posturing our mission, work, and lives in prayer.


Rooted in our faith and rooted in our place.

Our Home & Anchor Partner

We are founded by the Duke Divinity School, which means we have access to a deep network of trusted scholars, cutting-edge research, and tested theories and frameworks that support and guide our work.

We are supported by The Duke Endowment in a grant to Duke Divinity School to bolster the leadership that it provides across the church, in academia and in the communities served by the school.