Books, Church Property Chris Elisara Books, Church Property Chris Elisara

Retired, Rehabbed, Reborn: The Adaptive Reuse of America’s Derelict Religious Buildings and Schools

“Retired, Rehabbed, Reborn features ten in-depth case studies of adaptive reuse outcomes for religious buildings and public schools that have achieved varying degrees of success. Several case vignettes appear within various chapters to illustrate specific points. The book is a useful tool for architects, planners, developers, and others interested in reusing these important structures.

Authors - Robert A. Simons, Gary DeWine and Larry Ledebur (2017)

Retired, Rehabbed, Reborn features ten in-depth case studies of adaptive reuse outcomes for religious buildings and public schools that have achieved varying degrees of success. Several case vignettes appear within various chapters to illustrate specific points. The book is a useful tool for architects, planners, developers, and others interested in reusing these important structures.

Authors - Robert A. Simons, Gary DeWine and Larry Ledebur (2017)

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Books, Church Property Chris Elisara Books, Church Property Chris Elisara

Remove the Pews: Spiritual Possibilities for Sacred Spaces

“A church is both building and people, bricks and mortals. First came the attendance decline among mortals; a bricks crisis followed. Now church buildings are an endangered species. . . . This book is about that move out of denial into response. Evolutionary thinkers call such moves “adaptive.” I call them creative evolutions, adapting as we go. I call them learning to live to pray another way, another day.“

Author - Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper (2021).

“A church is both building and people, bricks and mortals. First came the attendance decline among mortals; a bricks crisis followed. Now church buildings are an endangered species. . . . This book is about that move out of denial into response. Evolutionary thinkers call such moves “adaptive.” I call them creative evolutions, adapting as we go. I call them learning to live to pray another way, another day.“

Author - Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper (2021)

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Books, Church Property Chris Elisara Books, Church Property Chris Elisara

Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving their Place in American Life

“In a world that is racing to knock down the old and quickly build the new, this book is a much-needed pause. - Matt Molfsky, Lead Pastor, The Gathering.”

“Thomas Frank lays out the case for how historic houses of worship serve as community anchors, symbols of neighborhood character, places of personal and collective memory, and sites of cultural identity. - Paul W. Edmondson, President and CEO, National Trust for Historic Preservation.”

Author - Thomas Frank (2020)

“In a world that is racing to knock down the old and quickly build the new, this book is a much-needed pause. - Matt Molfsky, Lead Pastor, The Gathering.”

“Thomas Frank lays out the case for how historic houses of worship serve as community anchors, symbols of neighborhood character, places of personal and collective memory, and sites of cultural identity. - Paul W. Edmondson, President and CEO, National Trust for Historic Preservation.”

Author - Thomas Frank (2020)

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