Caring for Clergy Field Guide
Contributing vital resources and practical tools to the evolving field that cares for clergy
The demands of ministry can be overwhelming. Thankfully, many clergy rely on a complex network of individuals and institutions for support.
Like Aaron and Hur who lifted the arms of Moses during battle (Ex. 17), these individuals and organizations care for clergy as denominational leaders, funders, pension, benefits, and insurance officers, frontline providers, and continuing educators. Although the work of clergy support has occurred for many years, these professional networks tend to be often segmented and siloed.
Project Details
Major Themes
Descriptive Analysis
How is the field organized?
Theoretical Analysis
How do those in the field understand the field and their place in it?
Practical Analysis
What is taking place in the field?
What topics will be studied?
The Caring for Clergy Field guide examines the national clergy support network of funders, pension and benefits officers, denominational leaders, frontline providers, and continuing educators. The project has three main objectives: 1) to scan and map the field's main actors and trends, 2) to highlight the leading models, and 3) to identify the most pressing gaps and obstacles. When published, we hope that this resource might become an agenda setting manual for the field.
The major audiences are frontline providers, benefits officers, funders, denominational officials, and continuing educators.
Who is conducting the survey?
A committed team from Duke Divinity School’s Ormond Center for Thriving Congregations and Communities is leading the Caring for Clergy Field Guide research effort along with a diverse group of advisors representing each of the field’s major subsectors. Learn more about the study and our research team here.
What is the project timeline?
Phase 1
Spring 2021
Developing survey and convening advisory board
Phase 4:
Publishing field guide and releasing our findings
Phase 2
Summer 2021
Fielding survey and conducting initial analysis
Phase 5:
Distributing & Convening
The Future
Presenting and convening a National Conference
Phase 3
Fall 2021
Finalizing content and developing frameworks
Who will see the data?
Only our team of trained researchers will see the Caring for Clergy raw survey data. To protect the privacy of you and your organization, we will present our results in aggregate so that no information that you share could be compromised. We will never reveal any sensitive or compromising data about you or your organization without your consent.
Why should I participate?
The health and well-being of clergy is complex and interconnected; however, services that support clergy health and well-being are often siloed by sector and theological tradition. A benefits officer may not be aware of the issues faced by a frontline provider. Or, a funder may not know about the gaps in coverage within denominational structures.
We want to provide those who support the overall health and well-being of clergy with a manual (what we call a “field guide”) that helps make their work more effective, collaborative, and informed. Ultimately, we want to make a difference in the individual health and well-being of clergy and their families.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out directly to the study’s Principal Investigator, Rev. Thad Austin, PhD.
How can I participate?
We are grateful for your participation in this important study. Please take the survey via this link.
Our Team
Ormond Center Team
Thad Austin
Strategic Initiatives and Congregational Engagement
Chris Elisara
Field Guide Survey
Katie Comeau
Post-Doctoral Fellow for Thriving Congregations
Advisory Committee
Chris Adams
Azusa Pacific University
Center for Vocational Ministry
Matt Bloom
University of Notre Dame
Barbara Boigegrain
Wespath Benefits and Investments
Melinda Contreras-Byrd
Author, Psychologist, Pastor
Andy Cook
Wheaton College Billy Graham Center
Jo Ann Deasy
Association of Theological Schools
Richard DeShon
Michigan State University
David Eagle
Duke University
Richard Foss
Lilly Endowment
David Higle
Wesleyan Church
Cameron Lee
Fuller Theological Seminary
Jihyun Oh
Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell
Duke University
Mark Robison
Brotherhood Mutual Insurance
David Wang
Biola University
Robert Webb
The Duke Endowment
Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Wesley Theological Seminary
Carl Weisner
Duke Divinity School
Manuela Casti Yeagley
University of Notre Dame