Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

A Call to Rethink Dying Houses of Worship

Published in Public Square, the online journal of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), this article is co-authored by Chris Elisara, the lead for the Studio of Placemaking and chairperson of the CNU Christian Caucus. It explores four overlapping areas that congregations need to simultaneously consider in order to successfully redevelop their property for the mutual benefit of the congregation and the community they are embedded in.

Published in Public Square, the online journal of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), this article is co-authored by Chris Elisara, the lead for the Studio of Placemaking and chairperson of the CNU Christian Caucus. It explores four overlapping areas that congregations need to simultaneously consider in order to successfully redevelop their property for the mutual benefit of the congregation and the community they are embedded in.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

We Are Not Just Economic Creatures: Dave Kresta’s Vision of Economic Development

Published in Strong Towns, Dave Kresta discusses how we develop vibrant local economies that are good not for the shareholders of a corporation headquartered in some distant state, but for the people who actually live in the neighborhood.

Published in Strong Towns, Dave Kresta discusses how we develop vibrant local economies that are good not for the shareholders of a corporation headquartered in some distant state, but for the people who actually live in the neighborhood.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

How to plan for the post-pandemic future of church buildings

Published in Faith & Leadership. The number of congregations closing could rise sharply after the pandemic. The time to explore using church real estate wisely is now.

Published in Faith & Leadership. The number of congregations closing could rise sharply after the pandemic. The time to explore using church real estate wisely is now.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

The Promise of "House of Worship Districts"

Published in Strong Towns. The writers of this piece offer one possible approach to how underused houses of worship can come together and contribute to strengthening their communities.

Published in Strong Towns, this article offers an approach for understanding how underused houses of worship can come together and contribute to strengthening their community.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

7 Dos and Don’ts When Considering the Redevelopment of Church Property

Published in Lewis Center for Church Leadership. More and more faith communities are asking how they might make better use of expensive and underutilized facilities. Rick Reinhard offers practical advice in the form of seven dos and don’ts to help a congregation approach property redevelopment realistically and faithfully.

Published in Lewis Center for Church Leadership. More and more faith communities are asking how they might make better use of expensive and underutilized facilities. Rick Reinhard offers practical advice in the form of seven dos and don’ts to help a congregation approach property redevelopment realistically and faithfully.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

A call to examine United Methodist real estate

Published in UM News. The real estate crisis is the church’s elephant in the room, writes Rick Reinhard. He argues individual congregations must collect and assess data to determine their future.

Published in UM News. The real estate crisis is the church’s elephant in the room, writes Rick Reinhard. He argues individual congregations must collect and assess data to determine their future.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

Can Churches Help to Ease the Affordable-Housing Shortage?

Published in Governing. Houses of worship own billions worth of empty, deteriorating or underused real estate. Some local governments and denominations are moving to carve it into badly needed housing, but there are plenty of obstacles.

Published in Governing. Houses of worship own billions worth of empty, deteriorating or underused real estate. Some local governments and denominations are moving to carve it into badly needed housing, but there are plenty of obstacles.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

Church must tackle its real estate crisis

Published in UM News. The United Methodist Church has an extensive real estate portfolio that holds significant value but also poses a financial threat.

Published in UM News. The United Methodist Church has an extensive real estate portfolio that holds significant value but also poses a financial threat.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

Churches Are Closing. It’s a Challenge for Local Governments.

Published in Governing. Across the country, houses of worship are shuttering by the thousands. Municipalities have a role in finding new uses for abandoned buildings that have long anchored communities and neighborhoods.

Published in Governing. Across the country, houses of worship are shuttering by the thousands. Municipalities have a role in finding new uses for abandoned buildings that have long anchored communities and neighborhoods.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

Redeveloping Houses of Worship

Published in ICMA. Municipalities should be proactive in working with religious leaders, developers, and the community for the future of these unique properties.

Published in ICMA. Municipalities should be proactive in working with religious leaders, developers, and the community for the future of these unique properties.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

Surplus sacred space: Reflections on the impending glut of US church property

Published in Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Dramatically more churches will close in the US over the next decade as the numbers of self-identified Christians declines, the COVID-19 pandemic inflicts financial pain and the large number of church buildings become unwieldy. Churches that wish to survive must examine alternate uses for much of their overbuilt real estate. Congregations, developers and municipalities must be ready for how to redevelop empty church sites and how to convert existing churches to mixed use.

Published in Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Dramatically more churches will close in the US over the next decade as the numbers of self-identified Christians declines, the COVID-19 pandemic inflicts financial pain and the large number of church buildings become unwieldy. Churches that wish to survive must examine alternate uses for much of their overbuilt real estate. Congregations, developers and municipalities must be ready for how to redevelop empty church sites and how to convert existing churches to mixed use. Municipal agencies and developers must understand how to deal with churches, given the special nature of their mission and their decentralised management structures. This paper discusses how it is in the best interests of churches, developers and communities to plan for alternate uses of church properties. It concludes that collaboration on church redevelopment and repurposing will result in significant benefits for all involved. Brief case studies of four churches are presented, with relevant questions.

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Articles Kashmiri Schmookler Articles Kashmiri Schmookler

What Economic Developers Should Know About Working With Churches

Published in International Economic Development Council. Most houses of worship in the United States are in trouble, physically, financially, and administratively. The continued decline of houses of worship—especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic—will have a profound effect on our communities. Economic developers can play an important role in the reimagining and repurposing of houses of worship, but dealing with them can be tricky.

Published in International Economic Development Council. Most houses of worship in the United States are in trouble, physically, financially, and administratively. The continued decline of houses of worship—especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic—will have a profound effect on our communities. Economic developers can play an important role in the reimagining and repurposing of houses of worship, but dealing with them can be tricky.

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