Ormond Center Better Cities Film Festival

You can learn more here. The Ormond Center is teaming up with the Better Cities Film Festival because we both believe “a story can change a city,” or a town, a rural community, or a neighborhood.

Stories, scholars tell us, sink deep into our bones and picture for us what constitutes the good life. We then we lean into those stories as characters in the narrative we’ve absorbed. Where in today’s world are we getting the stories and narratives that inspire the cities, towns, and rural communities we’re imagining, designing, and building today? Are today’s city and community builders influenced by stories that inspire them to design and build places and communities in ways best fit for human thriving? We can do only what we dream. We can build only what we can imagine. So we better have good stories to kickstart and shape our imaginations.

The mission of the Ormond Center Better Cities Film Festival is to curate, present, and celebrate the very best films on the theme of making better cities, towns, rural communities, and neighborhoods. We are especially interested in telling stories that will inspire the Christian community and support the emerging field of Christian placemaking, which is the art of designing and making places that are commensurate with human thriving for all.


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