Donghyung Lee


M.Div. ‘26, Duke Divinity School

Th.M. Systematic and Cultural Theology, Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea)

B.A. Theology and English Literature, Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea)


Community Development Agent

Donghyung brings greetings from Seoul, South Korea. He chose Duke Divinity School because it provides an education and experience worthy of Duke University’s motto, “Eruditio et Religio”, which means, “Knowledge and Religion.” He is inspired by the Thriving Communities Fellowship’s commitment to connecting academia and the church, as well as the Ormond Center’s mission and practice of constantly supporting local communities towards thriving.

After graduation from Duke Divinity School, Donghyung envisions a ministry where everyone is welcome and connected, regardless of race, gender, or culture.

In his free time, Donghyung enjoys playing soccer and tennis, and listening to the Beatles.